Purchasing Banane Taipei Bags
Q: Can I buy a Banane Taipei Bag with confidence?
A: Yes you can. We order the bags directly from the Taipei Official Store and we deliver 100% Authentic Banane Taipei Bag to you. We hate imitation bags and cheaters more than you do. That's why we set up this website - to serve your desire for Banane Taipei Bag with our top quality customer care service.
A: Yes you can. We order the bags directly from the Taipei Official Store and we deliver 100% Authentic Banane Taipei Bag to you. We hate imitation bags and cheaters more than you do. That's why we set up this website - to serve your desire for Banane Taipei Bag with our top quality customer care service.
Q: What happens after I purchase?
A: Within 14 days, you'll receive an email confirming that your transaction has completed.
A: Within 14 days, you'll receive an email confirming that your transaction has completed.
Q: When can I receive my bag after purchase?
A: Banane Taipei bags will be reaching your doorstep within 2 months to 5 months. Believe us, our team are trying very hard to get those bags for you. We know you are craving for the bags just like us!
A: Banane Taipei bags will be reaching your doorstep within 2 months to 5 months. Believe us, our team are trying very hard to get those bags for you. We know you are craving for the bags just like us!
Q: Why does it take 2-5 months for me to get my bag after the payment?
A: After processing your payment, we'll need to make necessary arrangements with the retailer ;) Rest assured that we’ll do whatever it takes to speed up on getting your bag(s) so that you can start enjoying them quick!
A: After processing your payment, we'll need to make necessary arrangements with the retailer ;) Rest assured that we’ll do whatever it takes to speed up on getting your bag(s) so that you can start enjoying them quick!
Q: How do I buy from this website?
A: It's just as simple as ABC! Send us the order form and we'll get back to you!
A: It's just as simple as ABC! Send us the order form and we'll get back to you!
Other Related FAQs
Q: I'm a business owner and I want to sell Banane Taipei's Bag in my own country. How do I become an agent?
A: Drop us a note at thebananataipei@gmail.com and we'll get back to you!
A: Drop us a note at thebananataipei@gmail.com and we'll get back to you!